Watch the video here.
Olive Oil (100%) | 1000g
Goat's Milk | 250g
Lye (caustic soda) | 135g
Superfat - 0%
Essential oil blend - 30g
Tools and equipment used
Stick blender
1) Weigh 1000g of Olive oil, 135g grams of caustic soda, and 30g of the essential oil blend. (Always run your recipe through a soap calculator to ensure your ratios are correct).

3) Add the milk and lye mixture to the olive oil and stick blend until thin trace. Since the recipe contains 100% olive oil, it will take time.
4) Add the essential oil blend to the emulsified soap batter and stick blend until well incorporated.
5) Pour soap batter into your mold and let it set. I was able to unmold it after a week :p
6) Allow the soap to cure for at least 6 months (yes, that long - but hopefully worth it) before using.